"Whenever Gabriel the great magician commands "Presto Magico," a small disaster occurs….
Marshall evokes gentle humor in this tale of a very believable little boy whose infatuation with a new toy leads to overzealous enthusiasm followed by remorse and creative atonement…."
—Kirkus Reviews

The Mitzvah Magician
Author Linda Elovitz Marshall
Illustrator Christiane Engel
Publisher KarBen/Lerner
August 1, 2012
ISBN-10: 0761352163
ISBN-13: 978-0761356554
Kar-Ben Publishing features
The Mitzvah Magician on their blog HERE!
"One-wish, two-wish, Jew-wish!"
Gabriel's magic wand gets him into trouble around the house, until he learns that the greatest magician is a Mitzvah Magician, using his powers to do good deeds.
"When I was writing “The Mitzvah Magician,” Gabriel’s magic words – One wish! Two wish! Jew-wish! – came to me all of a sudden…as if by MAGIC!"